Before the war, tensions were high, with our two factions fighting over hard rock CDs and cool looking gemstones. Wizard Master Dirtbeard, Harbinger of Evil launched the first attack on the Emo kingdom in 1745, killing many emos in the proccess. The emos fought back with brass knuckles and pure edginess, and the battle raged on for an entire century.
Many lives were claimed, but eventually the champions stood; General Mortrisha Shadowheart and Wizard Master Tam'riel the Inquisitive, both signed a peace treaty in 1845, formally ending the conflict.
In 1847, NEWUS was founded by Mortrisha and Tam'riel to unite wizards and emos under one rule. Together they formed a council of elites that have remained in power since the party's inception.
Currently there is an ongoing feud between us and the NCNA, also known as the National Cowboys and Nerds Association. They are a corrupt, asinine group that must be stopped before it is too late- which is why we need your help. Help us by joining NEWUS and doing your part!